Extinguishment of Public Right of Way - Hardwicke Street, Dublin 1 Dublin City Council
Closing Date: 5pm, Monday 27th January 2025
Dublin City Council's Housing and Community Department is seeking public feedback on a proposal to extinguish the public vehicular right of way over the no-through section of Hardwicke Street, Dublin 1. The proposal aims to facilitate the installation of an automated vehicular access gate that would restrict parking access to residents of Rory O'Connor House and Dermot O'Dwyer House.
Submissions can be made through the online consultation portal, via email to central@dublincity.ie, or by post to the Central Area Office, marked 'Extinguishment of the public right of way at Hardwicke Street, Dublin 1'. For queries, contact 01 222 2989.
The consultation seeks views from local residents and other stakeholders on how this change might affect access and movement in the area. Full details of the proposal, including maps showing the affected area, are available through Dublin City Council's consultation portal.
The Public Consultation Institute of Ireland (PCII) is committed to engaging citizens and empowering communities through the use of emerging technologies, which are transforming how the Government and citizens communicate and interact. PCII's mission is to bring more people into the public participatory process. Not only will this expand informed public engagement, early studies suggest that it is likely to enhance the diversity and quality of participation. View a list of public consultations currently open at https://www.publicconsultation.ie/haveyoursay