Oldtown Social Housing Development, Letterkenny - Part 8 Planning Donegal County Council

Closing Date: 4pm, Wednesday 28th February 2025 

Donegal County Council has initiated a Part 8 planning process for a social housing development at Oldtown, Letterkenny. The proposed development comprises 12 apartments and 4 semi-detached houses, complete with a new vehicular entrance onto Gaeltex Drive, parking facilities, and associated site works. 

The plans and particulars can be viewed online at https://consult.donegal.ie/ or in person at the Letterkenny Public Services Centre and County House, Lifford, during office hours (9am-12:30pm and 1pm-4:30pm, Monday to Friday). Initial environmental screenings have determined that neither an Environmental Impact Assessment nor an Appropriate Assessment is required. 

Submissions can be made in writing to the Housing Capital Section at County House, Lifford, or via email to housingcapital@donegalcoco.ie. The council encourages feedback from local residents and stakeholders on this proposed social housing development. 


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