Fourth Cycle Water Action Plan 2027-2032: Work Programme Consultation
Photo by Richie Morris on Unsplash
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Closing Date: 5pm, Thursday 25th July 2025
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has launched the first of three public consultations in the development of Ireland's fourth-cycle Water Action Plan. This initial consultation seeks views on the timetable and work programme for developing the plan, which will be published in December 2027.
Stakeholders can contribute through a targeted questionnaire or by submitting general observations. The consultation aims to gather public opinion on the current Water Action Plan and assess engagement between implementation bodies and stakeholders. Responses will help shape future consultation stages and evaluate existing water quality improvement measures.
Submissions can be made via email to or by post to the Water Advisory Unit at the Custom House, Dublin. All consultation documents, including the questionnaire, are available on the Department's website.
This consultation represents the first stage in a three-year development process, with each consultation phase lasting six months. The outcomes will inform the refinement and finalisation of the work programme for the fourth Water Action Plan.
The Public Consultation Institute of Ireland (PCII) is committed to engaging citizens and empowering communities through the use of emerging technologies, which are transforming how the Government and citizens communicate and interact. PCII's mission is to bring more people into the public participatory process. Not only will this expand informed public engagement, early studies suggest that it is likely to enhance the diversity and quality of participation. View a list of public consultations currently open at