Transport Hub Southern Entrance, Ferrybank - Part 8 Planning

Waterford City and County Council  

Closing Date: 4pm, Monday 3rd March 2025 

Waterford City and County Council has initiated a Part 8 planning process for a new southern entrance to the transport hub at the North Quays SDZ in Ferrybank. The development includes curved entrance steps, a passenger lift, terraced planters, control gates, external paving, and an extended roof canopy structure. 

Plans can be viewed at the Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford, between 9:30am and 4pm Monday to Friday until 18th February. Environmental screening has determined that neither an Environmental Impact Assessment nor a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is required. 

Submissions can be made in writing to the Director of Economic Development at No. 35 The Mall, by email to,  or through the online consultation portal. All submissions will form part of the statutory report and may appear in the public domain. 


The Public Consultation Institute of Ireland (PCII) is committed to engaging citizens and empowering communities through the use of emerging technologies, which are transforming how the Government and citizens communicate and interact. PCII's mission is to bring more people into the public participatory process. Not only will this expand informed public engagement, early studies suggest that it is likely to enhance the diversity and quality of participation. View a list of public consultations currently open at 


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