Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Conservation Regulations for 2025
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Closing Date: 5:30pm, Wednesday 18th December 2024
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has opened a public consultation on the draft Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2024. These regulations will govern the management of wild salmon and sea trout fisheries by Inland Fisheries Ireland from January 2025.
The draft regulations, which set out new conservation measures for the 2025 season, are available for public inspection at the Department's offices in Cavan and can be downloaded from the consultation website. Minister Eamon Ryan has issued this statutory notice as part of the formal consultation process.
Stakeholders can submit their feedback either by email to IFDPublicConsultations@decc.gov.ie or by post to the Environment Protection Division in Cavan. The Department emphasises that all valid submissions received will be published on their website, and late submissions cannot be considered.
This consultation represents an important opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to the development of conservation measures that will help protect and manage Ireland's valuable wild salmon and sea trout populations.
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